Automatic irrigation is the use of a device that allows the flow of water from one irrigation bay, or set of irrigation bays, to be changed to another remotely. It can be used to:
- Start and stop irrigation through supply channel outlets
- Start and stop pumps
- Stop the flow of water from one irrigation area – either a bay or a section of channel – and directing the water to another area
What are the benefits of automatic irrigation?
Automatic irrigation systems can reduce the labour required to monitor irrigation flow in the field, improve lifestyle, allow for more timely irrigation, assist in the management of higher flow rates, provide more accurate cut-off, reduce run-off of water and nutrients and reduce the costs of wear and tear on vehicles used for irrigation management.
Where do I start?
There are different types of automatic irrigation systems. Developing a Whole Farm Plan for the property is a good way to begin preparing for automation.
During the development of a Whole Farm Plan, landowners should consider the requirements for automatic irrigation so that they can be incorporated into the planning process from the initial stages.
For further information refer to Agnote:
For further information contact:
Agriculture Victoria Irrigation Officers
Tatura – (03) 5833 5222
Echuca – (03) 5482 1922
Kerang – (03) 5473 0180