This booklet has been designed to assist irrigators interested in finding out more about managing or improving their current irrigation systems. It includes key contacts and weblinks for further information on a range of topics including irrigation methods and management techniques across the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District (GMID).
The topics covered in this booklet include:
1. Whole farm planning
2. Planning approvals
– Earthworks
– Native vegetation
– Cultural heritage
3. Broadacre irrigation systems in Northern Victoria
– Border check (flood)
– Pipe and risers
– Centre pivot and lateral move sprinklers
– Sub-surface drip
4. Horticultural irrigation systems in Northern Victoria
– Considerations
– Soil type
– Crop/plant variety
– Automation
– Water Source
– Other crop requirements
– Pumps and motors
5. Drainage reuse
6. Automation
7. Soil moisture monitoring
8. Regional drainage
9. Use of groundwater
10. New irrigation developments
May 2020
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