Episode 9: Be aware the distinctive but destructive spotted lanternfly with Olivia Reynolds

Spotted lanternfly with wings spread

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The Good, The Bad and the Bug-ly, a Podcast series by the Urban Plant Health Network

Episode 9: Be aware the distinctive but destructive spotted lanternfly with Olivia Reynolds

The spotted lanternfly is remarkable in colour and markings but is a very damaging exotic pest which has the capability of causing massive damage to not only our agriculture and horticulture industries, but it is also a problem pest for the general population as well. Olivia Reynolds from Cesar Australia describes what makes the spotted lanternfly so distinctive, and so destructive, and why it is important to ensure this pest doesn’t become established in Australia.

For more information visit the Urban Plant Health Network and Botanic Gardens Biosecurity Network.

If you see something unusual, call the Exotic Pest Plant Health line on 1800 084 881 or take a photo and upload it to the MyPestGuide Reporter

Read the Transcript (WORD – 28KB)

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Cover image: Adult spotted lanternfly, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Bugwood.org

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