This information supports irrigators to make informed business decisions and manage future water availability risks under varying climatic conditions.

• Projected future demands from permanent horticulture in the connected southern Murray-Darling Basin and the lower Murray.
• How water demand from permanent horticulture compares with water that is likely to be available in the connected southern Murray-Darling Basin and the lower Murray under different seasonal allocation scenarios.
• What this means for water markets.
Founding Director
Senior Consultant
Gwendolen DeBoe, Director Water Markets and Grid, at DEECA, also fields questions.
The webinar focuses on the findings of the third iteration of the ‘Water supply and demand in the southern Murray-Darling Basin report’ produced by Aither, commissioned by Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA).
The report presents up-to-date projected horticultural demand estimates and different baseline years, to make use of the most recent water data available across states.
The report finds that water availability risks for businesses are increasing. Even with trade opportunity and carryover, under extreme dry conditions, existing horticultural demand in the lower Murray may outstrip water available for irrigation.
AgVIC Webinar 29 Mar Supply and Demand
INTRODUCTION and WRAP-UP Webinar13 Understanding water supply and demand
20230329_Update to supply and demand in the sMDB – FINAL – STC