Varroa management workshops

Currently New South Wales is the only state to have detected Varroa. Eastern seaboard states are expecting to find it in the near future, while some states and territories are hoping to keep it at bay for many years. No matter where your state is in the journey, education is key. 

For states hoping to keep it at bay, a better understanding of the repercussions of having Varroa will be important to deterrence. Their actions have a role in keeping Varroa out and early detection will potentially allow measures to prevent the spread of Varroa further into the state.

Many New South Wales beekeepers are currently managing Varroa, or educating themselves for its arrival in their hives as it spreads geographically. They are grappling with the changes to beekeeping and their options to keep their bees and businesses healthy. Trusted information is required so that beekeepers can make informed decisions.

The Transition to Management Program is running free one-day workshops nationally to introduce beekeepers to Varroa management. Topics covered include

  • Varroa basics: what does it look like, the lifecycle, the impacts on individual bees and colonies, and how it spreads
  • Monitoring: the importance of monitoring and the different options available
  • Treatment thresholds: the mite load at which to treat hives as opposed to planning how you will treat when you do reach the threshold
  • Integrated pest management: how to tailor your treatment strategy to reduce risks to bees, yourself, and the environment
  • Cultural and mechanical treatments: including breeding for resistance, natural selection, screened bottom boards, drone trapping, and brood breaks
  • Chemical treatments: chemical modes of action, avoiding Varroa becoming resistant to chemical treatments, synthetic and  non-synthetic options, how to prevent residues in hive products, and monitoring treatment effectiveness
  • Record keeping: how your reporting requirements have changed and what resources are available

Training is currently being rolled out in New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania, with other states commencing soon. 

Register now!

Want to register for a FREE workshop? You can see the upcoming events at the Tocal website and register at Humanitix.


This article was peer-reviewed by Mark Page and Sally Friss.

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