Are your hives registered?

hive registration

It is important to register your hive/s, no matter how big or small your operations. Not only does this enable the industry to more accurately know how many beekeepers and bee hives there are, it is important for biosecurity and disaster response. Accurate information can be used by the industry to advocate for resources. Further, some resources are available only to those who have registered hives, for example drought and fire relief packages.

The location of and accurate information on the number of bee colonies in an area is priceless in the event of an outbreak of a new pest or disease. This information enables effective communication to those at risk and in planning biosecurity responses. Australia enjoys freedom from a number of pests and diseases and we want to keep it that way. That’s why, under the Biosecurity Act 2015, all bee hives are required to be registered.

Your registration number must be displayed on all your hives and you should be familiar with and comply with the Bee Biosecurity Code of Practise and any regulations in your state.

If you know of a beekeeper that is not registered you can report them, and any other biosecurity concerns, to your state department or the exotic plant pest hotline 1800 084 881.

Links to register your hives and contact details to report non-compliant beekeepers in your state

State Registration Reporting
NSW Online 1800 084 881

Online form
ACT Online 1800 084 881
13 22 81
VIC Online 1800 084 881
TAS Online 03 6165 3777
0407 436 230
1800 084 881
SA Online 0439 864 382
0408 812 698
WA Online 08 9368 3080
NT Online 1800 084 881
QLD Online 13 25 23


National Bee Biosecurity Program and Code of Practise, Plant Health Australia



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