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Exotic: Karnal Bunt

Exotic to Australia

Karnal bunt, also known as partial bunt, is exotic to Australia. It is caused by the fungus Tilletia indica. It does occur in the USA, Mexico, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and parts of Nepal and Iraq. Karnal bunt has major implications for trade as infected grain cannot be delivered to major export markets.

Like bunt of wheat, grain affected with karnal bunt also has a strong fishy odour. Closer examination of a seed lot affected by karnal bunt will reveal partially bunted seeds as only part of the grain is affected by disease.

Wheat grains affected by karnal bunt. Note that only part of the grain is bunted, this is a distinguishing feature between karnal bunt and covered smut

Wheat grains affected by karnal bunt. Note that only part of the grain is bunted, this is a distinguishing feature between karnal bunt and covered smut

Karnal bunt is most likely to enter Australia either on diseased grain or as spores on travellers’ clothing. To prevent the introduction of this disease to Australia it is important that all seed imports to Australia occur through appropriate quarantine facilities, and that travellers to overseas farms thoroughly wash all clothing on return to Australia. Suspect samples must be reported immediately.

Call the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline (1800 084 881)

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