There are a whole range of products, services, tools and technologies you can use to identify and determine how best to manage pests and diseases. What are they, what should you use each for and when? This chapter pulls together a shortlist of diagnostics services, online tools and subscriptions which will help you keep on top of what’s the latest and need to know when it comes to providing the best services in relation to crop disease identification and management for your clients.
Disease Guides
Victorian Cereal Diseases Guide
Victorian Pulse Diseases Guide
GRDC Blackleg Management Guide
Disease Sample Collections – Pathotyping
To support the monitoring of rust isolates in Australia sent infected leaves in paper envelopes (do not use plastic wrapping or plastic lined packages) along with your contact details and, if possible, include the latitude and longitude of the sample location to:
University of Sydney
Australian Rust Survey
Reply Paid 88076
Narellan NSW 2567
Further instructions can be found at Australian Cereal Rust Survey – Faculty of Science (
Pulse Isolate Collection
To support the monitoring of pulse diseases across Victoria contact the Horsham Pulse Pathology team at Cr*******************@ag*********.au or contact the Horsham Reception on (03) 4344 3111 and ask for the Pulse Pathology team.
Sowing Guides
Other variety guides (e.g. Western Australia)
AFREN | Australian Fungicide Resistance Extension Network
Grain Trade Australia Commodity Standards
Diagnostic services
What is it?
PREDICTA® B is a DNA-based soil testing service to assist grain producers to identify which soil-borne pathogens pose a significant risk to their crops prior to seeding so steps can be taken to minimise the risk of yield loss.
When should I use PREDICTA®B?
PREDICTA®B has multiple uses, including:
- Identifing which soil-borne pathogens pose a significant yield risk to crops prior to sowing
- Monitoring the effect of crop rotation on pathogen levels
- In crop disease testing for soil-borne pathogens.
Other uses include screening paddocks to determine which have the lowest risk for a particular disease (e.g. crown rot when sowing durum crops) to minimise yield loss each year.
Agronomists wishing to use the service will need to be accredited to ensure proper sampling protocol is followed, and results are accurately interpreted. Search ‘PredictaB’ to find out more or visit the PIRSA PREDICTAB website.
Crop Health Services
What is it?
Crop Health Services (CHS) is the commercial plant pest and disease diagnostics service operated by Agriculture Victoria. CHS offers a broad range of diagnostic tests.
When should I use Crop Health Services?
For species identification and commercial testing of samples, CHS can identify a very broad range of fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes. Search ‘Crop Health Services’ to find out more or visit Agriculture Victoria Diagnostic Services
DDLS – Diagnostic Laboratory Services
What is DDLS?
DDLS – Plant pathology is a diagnostic service under the WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, which delivers high quality and timely services predominantly in Western Australia, but also to clients Australia-wide.
When should I use DDLS?
For species identification and commercial testing of samples. DDLS are also able to test seed samples for virus’. Search ‘DDLS Plant Pathology’ for more information about services and pricing or visit DDLS – Plant pathology services
CropSafe is an active, self-help ‘eyes in the field’ surveillance system looking out for new pests and diseases over the Victorian grains belt.
The program is used as an in-season aid with unusual symptom diagnosis. Agronomists can join the network for support with crop disease identification and add to Victoria’s area of freedom data to help maintain market access. Search ‘CropSafe’ to find out more or visit the CropSafe webpage.