Identification & Management of Field Crop Diseases in Victoria

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  4. Foliar Diseases of Lentil
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Ascochyta blightAscochyta blightOn leaves, small round whitish lesions with brown margins. Lesions often containing small black fruiting bodies of the fungus. Lesions can also form on stems causing premature death. Pod infection can ultimately result in black discolourations on seed.Common in all lentil growing regions in southern Australia. All varieties except Northfield are at risk of seed infection by ascochyta blight.
Damage is most likely in wet seasons.
Lentils – seed, stubble and self-sown plants.Seed dressings

Resistant varieties

Foliar fungicides

Crop rotation
Avoid early sowing.
Botrytis grey mouldBotrytis spp.Leaves: White round lesions-spots without black fruiting bodies as in ascochyta blight.
Stems: Light brown sections form on stems that are covered with fluffy grey mould. Botrytis grey mould can cause branches to die and cause discoloured and shrivelled seed.
In severe cases large brown patches can form in the crop.
Most likely to occur in dense, lodged crops when there is frequent rain late in spring.Most legumesSeed dressings

Low plant density

Avoid early sowing

Foliar fungicides

Crop rotation

Resistant varieties
Alfalfa mosaic virusVirusTip necrosisPrevalent in lentil production regions.Wide host range including most pulses, some horticultural plants and weeds.Virus free seed, management of weeds, resistant varieties.
mosaic virus
VirusYellowing, stuntingCommon in all lentil growing areas.Very wide host range, including most pulses, pastures, horticultural crops and weeds.Virus free seed, management of weeds, resistant varieties.
Cucumber mosaic virusVirusYellowing, stuntingCommon in all lentil growing areas.Very wide host range, including most pulses, pastures, horticultural crops and weeds.Virus free seed, management of weeds, resistant varieties.
Turnip yellows virus (formerly Beet western yellows virus)VirusYellowing, stuntingCommon in all lentil growing areas.Very wide host range. Most pulses and brassicas and many weed speciesManaging weeds and aphids, resistant varieties.

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